How Long Does It Take, To Change a Core Belief?

Previously I mentioned a colleague discovering the importance of beliefs, the ability to change beliefs, and how do you change a belief.

I mentioned another associate with over 30 years in the treatment field who told me, “I was always taught that you can’t change core beliefs.”

He went on to say, “You not only convinced me that you can and must change core beliefs. They must be changed as soon as possible.”

Here’s an example.

“Having a positive outlook on life, and what the future holds for you, is vital in achieving happiness in every aspect of your life. I would like to share with you an amazing transformation of a young woman with the help of Stan Dokmanus.

Stan helped her change her limiting beliefs, almost immediately, by using Belief Eye Movement Therapy. I was participating in a group discussion about beliefs, when this young woman, who had very low self-esteem, said that she had no future, and was going nowhere. This young woman even predicted her desolate future.

At that time Stan Dokmanus asked her if he could sit down with her for a few moments. He asked me to come along and observe.

Using the BEMT technique, Stan was able to change the way that she looked at herself. She was overwhelmed with hope, and was immediately filled with faith about what she could accomplish.

This immediate change, in how she perceived herself, brought her to tears. The new energy that she brought with her from that day forward was truly inspirational.

What made this sudden change in her totally amazing was that it took Stan about 10 to 15 minutes to bring this out in her.

I would strongly recommend Stan Dokmanus to anybody that would like to fulfill their potential. Totally Incredible.
SEMT Rph (Registered Pharmacist)”

Does this make sense to you? Maybe you would like a workshop.

If this post makes sense to you, please share this post with your network. Or repost with a comment. Thank you.

I’m available for individual and group training, live, or by zoom.

Do you want a belief change model to use with your clients?

Belief Eye Movement Therapy, BEMT, was designed with that specific treatment goal in mind: To elicit and remove limiting, permission-granting beliefs about criminal thinking and conduct, CTC, involving alcohol and other drug use, AOD, quickly and easily. $6.99 at

I’m interested in doing a joint project with you in your community. Otherwise, I’m available for individual or group training, live or zoom.Activate to view larger image,

Do You Want an SUD Belief Change Model for Drug Court?#BeliefChange#BehaviorChange#Recover#Thrive#BEMT

Many years ago, a colleague discovered the importance of beliefs and the ability to change beliefs. He asked, “how do you change a belief?”

He’s part of the reason for doing this BEMT KISS method piece. It’s so simple.

Another associate with over 30 years in the treatment field told me, “I was always taught that you can’t change core beliefs.”

Something happened when he took my NAADAC approved CEU class, “Criminal Justice and Addiction Counseling.”

Here’s what happened.

He told me, “You not only convinced me that you can and must change core beliefs. You showed me how and they can be changed, quickly and as soon as possible.”

He’s the only one ever to score 100% on the test. He is Armand Welch, Chestnut Systems, Illinois.

Judith S. Beck (Cognitive Behavior Theory) says to “Address permission-granting beliefs as soon as possible.”

To enable a client to discover this, to recover and to reach Transcendence, is a wonderful gift. It gives clients HOPE.

Yes! Transcendence. The 7th Stage of Change to some, is a point where using is no longer even a thought. You’ve gone beyond maintenance, relapse and recycling. You’ve Transcended.

Do you want to reduce recidivism and the cost of treatment and crime?

The Trail to Transcendence, (Chapter 11, “Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict”) describes “the massive, consistent action” needed to be able to stop using and thrive. To learn to be pro-social.

Do you want a belief change model for drug court?

Belief Eye Movement Therapy, BEMT, was designed with that specific treatment goal in mind: To elicit and remove limiting, permission-granting beliefs about criminal thinking and conduct, CTC, involving alcohol and other drug use, AOD. $6.99 at

Does this “how to” info make sense to you? If so, please share this post with your network. Or repost with a comment. Thank you.

I’m available for individual and group training, live or by zoom.

Belief Eye Movement Therapy – Change is the #1 Goal

According to Judith S. Beck, (Cognitive Behavior Theory), “…when it comes to addiction clients – you must change permission-granting beliefs as soon as possible…”

Albert Ellis made the cognitive process clear to us with the ABC-DE Theory.

Belief Eye Movement Therapy, is “The Difference that makes the Difference” for changing AOD/CTC beliefs quickly. Why wait?

The CBT map image below is a visual way to help clients understand the CBT and ABC-DE belief change process.

Wanberg and Milkman point out that “there will be no long-term behavior changes unless you first change core beliefs.” This agrees with Beck and Ellis. Why wait?

When you find them dead with a needle in their arm, it’s too late.

If it’s the beliefs that keeps offenders “stuck” in the AOD/CTC Cycle or revolving prison doors, then why wait to address these treatment issues? Why not address them the first day, week or month?

Why wait? There’s no advantage.

I would suggest you don’t wait too long.

“Nobody ever told me it was about my beliefs. They all said all I have to do is stay sober and I’d be okay,” said one career criminal.

No. It doesn’t work that way. It is about beliefs, first, then behavior change.

Identifying and changing limiting CTC beliefs about AOD/SUD is the #1 goal of Addiction Professionals. Why? Because “if nothing changes, nothing changes.”

Belief Eye Movement Therapy is available as an e-book on It’s $6.99. One good idea could save a client.

I’ve got a class on Udemy that describes all of this in detail. “Criminal Justice and Addiction Counseling.” 34 NAADAC approved CEU.

Do you need CEUs now or in the next two years? Is it a good idea to learn how to change limiting, CTC beliefs?

I’m available for trainings.

The CBT map image is from Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict.

How to Change Limiting Permission-Granting Beliefs of Addicts and Criminal Behavior Clients?

My new book, Belief Eye Movement Therapy is now available at Amazon as an eBook. You’ll find many new change and treatment concepts. It’s $6.99. One new idea could save a life.

It was written with the idea that anyone can help anyone. Change can occur in one treatment episode. That happened for me. You are welcome to be a contributor and add your story or expertise to this document. #amazon

The answers to your problems are in this book. After you read it, I can work with you on an individual basis.

Does Addiction Affect Your Work?

Addiction related problems caused by trauma and pain can wreak disaster on a brilliant legal career. They can follow you through life. End your career.

Trauma is different for everyone who experiences it. It could be sexual, verbal or physical trauma. How the event was perceived is the critical point.

Trauma is related to addiction and crime. They drive each other. It is the alcohol and other drug (AOD) and criminal thinking and conduct cycle (CTC) at work. The CBT map below shows the process.

Maybe it’s an addiction to power. Money. Sex.

All three can ruin anyone. Can this be used to defend a client?

It’s sad to see famed attorneys and politicians be charged with crimes, disbarred and imprisoned.

Don’t let that be you. Be on guard. Defend yourself.

If you see something, say something at work. With family or friends.

We need to focus on the pain of trauma while in treatment to understand it. Focus on the experience while you pray or meditate, if you do.

BEMT, Belief Eye Movement Therapy was designed to help people with these painful, traumatic, issues of life. Help anyone.

We have the same problems as our clients, parents and grandparents. The roots of the problems are similar. They are genetic, handed down.

BEMT can be the solution.

BEMT can be done by anyone for anyone.

Why is it important? Because there will be no long-term behavior changes unless your limiting, permission-granting, core beliefs about anything that is bothering you are changed first.

It’s the same for permission-granting beliefs and values about alcohol and other drugs.

Message me for assistance, individual or staff presentations. Of course, this is confidential.

Drug Court use of this CBT map to Explain Relapse and Recidivism.

How can drug courts use this CBT image to show how to overcome limiting beliefs and values? The map image shows the process. See page 15 of Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict.

Two drug court goals are: 1. Reduce Recidivism, and 2. Reduce the cost of crime and treatment. In order to do this, drug court clients need to know how their brains work.

Get on the beliefs train as soon as possible in the program. Your clients are not going to change their behavior long term unless you help them learn to change their limiting, anti-social, permission-granting, criminal thinking and conduct (CTC) beliefs and values about alcohol and other drugs (AOD).

BEMT, Belief Eye Movement Therapy is the way to fast-track belief changes. Each drug court should have its own practitioner. Contact me to discuss a training for your unit.

Use the map to help them with AA/NA Step Four.

CBT map image is from Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict.

BEMT – Belief Eye Movement Therapy

There will be no long-term behavior changes unless limiting, hurtful, permission-granting beliefs are changed first.

This is true for all of us who desire change in some area of our lives. Drug court and mandated clients are a good example to demonstrate.

There will be no long-term behavior changes unless permission-granting, criminal thinking and conduct (CTC) beliefs about alcohol and other drugs (AOD) are changed first, in the program, and as soon as possible.

This is verified by the ABC-DE Theory of Albert Ellis. Paraphrasing, he said, “It’s not the event that determines behavior, it’s the belief about the event. He added that the belief must be disputed and replaced by an empowering belief.

To explain, it is not the event (A) that determines the behavior (C). It is the belief (B) about the event (A) that determines the behavior (C).

The limiting beliefs must be disputed (D) and replaced by empowering beliefs (E) to be effective.

I designed BEMT to help anyone learn to do this; to help anyone change limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs that will help people to get the outcomes (consequences) they want.

Coach what?, How about Desistence? It’s the way to effective Substance Abuse Treatment.

We’ve all experienced the violent revolving door of the criminal justice system. Rape, robbery, arrest, due process, conviction, treatment prison, parole and right back in the system and prison.

Where does coaching come in? Are you teaching desistence?

It’s the criminal justice WPA annuity system. It’s like a Roth IRA distribution. It just keeps on paying and maybe no taxes.

Nothing is going to change unless we, the system change. “It” is not going to get better unless the way we deal with the problem “gets better.”

Drug courts are a good example. Nobody does it the same way. But everyone reports 84% success rates.

How can that be when the DOJ and CJS report 85% of parolees will return to prison by the 10th year?

Drug court clients are recidivating while in the program and on the day of graduation. Some are high on Meth while giving their graduation speeches.

Drug courts report 84% success rates because per their record keeping, there were no new arrests and convictions within a three-year period.

Within three years is the time period used to measure recidivism rates by these courts.

Another definition of recidivism is “thinking of or returning to criminal thinking ‘and’ conduct. No time limit.

Relapse, thinking of or returning to AOD, alcohol or other drugs use, and recidivism are processes. They do not respect a 36-month measuring stick.

To desist or recidivate is a choice. Offenders are not taught how to desist. They are haphazardly taught ‘relapse prevention.’

Plus – drug courts only care about compliance, not change. Reduce recidivism is goal number one followed by cost reduction.

You get what you think about. Is it better to have clients think about desistence or relapse?

There will be no long-term behavior changes unless you change anti-social, criminal thinking and conduct (CTC) beliefs and values involving AOD, alcohol and other drugs, first.

What is your specific CTC belief change protocol?

Your answer will determine the quality of your programs. I designed Belief Eye Movement Therapy, BEMT, to help CTC/AOD offenders achieve desistence.

Once desistence is reached, criminals who have issues with alcohol and other drugs learn to collapse those things that trigger them to use or do crime and reach transcendence.

If you would like to hear more about this CTC problem-solving ideas, I’m available for comments or training.

Please share this post if you found it interesting. And you can find more information at

The CBT map image is from Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict.

Addiction Professionals can encourage Adequate Defense, Investigation, and New Discovery.

Do you know what’s missing in treatment for court mandated clients? Something to do with geographic standard of care as it relates to goals of treatment.

Maybe it’s not the clients’ fault when they violate the drug court contract. Question: What was done for the clients to reprogram the hard drive?

What needs to be done differently?

Clients will not change their criminal behavior unless core beliefs about CTC, criminal thinking and conduct involving alcohol and other drugs (AOD) are changed first.

No B (behavior change) therefore, No A (change of core beliefs).

“Changing thoughts is not enough to get ongoing positive outcomes. We must change our [permission-granting (Beck)] core beliefs and [values].”

“Sometimes, these beliefs are so deep we are not aware of them.” Wanberg and Milkman, (Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment).

Beck, Milkman, Ellis, ABC-DE Theory, and others have emphasized the importance of changing core beliefs and values in order to effect behavior change.

Do you think this will happen magically because someone attended a tedious class for 12 months? Clinicians can get bored of the same old routine day in and day out for years.

This comes across in the delivery of the program. Counselors start to show movies, go out and play basketball, dance, do aroma therapy, etc. Anything but the program.

Clients and the world are not going to get better automatically. We, the counselors must get better.

The wind is going to blow the same this year as it did last year. We need to learn to reap the wind.

Anti-social, permission-granting, criminal thinking and conduct core beliefs and values won’t change by themselves. This requires specific skills on the part of the counselors.

Belief Eye Movement Therapy™, BEMT™, is the most effective and cost-efficient way to help clients explore and resolve their anti-social beliefs and values that lead to CTC, R&R, recidivism, and relapse.

It is “Belief Specific” counseling and therapy.

Some of the beliefs can be changed in 20 minutes to one hour. Imagine how much time and money that would save. Imagine discovering and changing the “driver core belief” in the first few days or weeks.

Subsequent limiting beliefs could collapse like dominoes.

If you would like to learn more about this, I’m available for comments or training.

If you found this of interest, please share it. And you can find more information at

The CBT map image is from Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict.

Goals of Mandated Treatment.

There are two primary goals of mandated treatment programs such as drug court. They are: 1. Reduce Recidivism and 2. Lower the cost of crime and treatment.

For the State of Hawaii, it costs $39,000.00-$40,000.00 per year to house drug offenders and others convicted of crime in the state. Many of the convicted offenders are housed in Arizona at Saguaro State Prison.

In Arizona it costs $90,000.00 per year to house the same clients convicted and sentenced for longer periods.

Now comes drug court, with the promise that “if you complete the 12-month drug court class, we will drop your charges and expunge your record.”

Approximately 50% of clients graduate from the program. It is possible to improve graduation success rates by lowering the standards, rules, and regulations.

Why drug courts? The number one reason stated is “it costs less.” Consider an in-community drug court program that costs less than $12,000.00 per year. That is a nice savings per person. At least $27,000.00 per year. When you consider that some of the sentences could have been from five to over 100 years it looks like a bargain. But is it?

The criminal justice system reports that 85% of released offenders will return to prison within 10 years. Drug courts report successes based on a three-year window. They report an 84% success rate.

Recidivism is defined as returning to criminal thinking and/or conduct (CTC). Many drug court clients are high on crystal methamphetamine or their drug of choice at their graduation ceremonies. Drug court graduates are supplying other graduates with illicit drugs the same day. Is that success?

This means there has been no change in behavior for these graduates who have faked it until they completed the class as spelled out in the sentence agreement: no criminal behavior.

Clients will not change their criminal behavior unless core beliefs about CTC, criminal thinking and conduct involving alcohol and other drugs (AOD) are changed first.

No B (behavior change) therefore, No A (change of core beliefs).

“Changing thoughts is not enough to get ongoing positive outcomes. We must change our [permission-granting (Beck)] core beliefs and [vaues]. Sometimes, these beliefs are so deep we are not aware of them.” Wanberg and Milkman, (Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment).

Belief Eye Movement Therapy™, BEMT™, is the most effective and cost-efficient way to help clients explore and resolve their anti-social beliefs and values that lead to CTC, R&R, recidivism, and relapse. Some of the beliefs can be changed in 20 minutes to one hour. Imagine how much time and money that would save. I’m available for comments or training.