Think of your task as a visual continuum. “Imagery” is the key with this intervention.
The Old You – New You gap below is the change time period involved. It can represent one hour, one day, one intervention or decades. Some say Stages of Change.
“The Old You _________________________________________ “The New You”
Compare and contrast the don’t want (Old You) image (left) with the ideal (New You) image desired (right).
The “Old You” don’t want could be abusing alcohol and other drugs. It could be anger management problems. Any kind of abuse. CTC.
The “New You” compelling image on the right is the person you want to be. See it, V, hear it, A, and feel it, K. VAK. Use all your senses to anchor this desired state.
Consider ‘Old You’ problems and consequences as you do this. On the left, construct a picture or a hologram of yourself in that situation (using alcohol or other drugs, under arrest, in jail, hiding…) that you definitely do not want anymore. Compare that with what you do want, on the right.
Everyone has issues. Attorneys and clinicians can choose a personal problem to work on as you read this. We all have issues. Right? Choice is better than no choice.
Give yourself a break today. You have a choice. It’s not hopeless and you are fully capable.
You can see a change map on page 15 of Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict.
The CLE class for Judges and Attorneys cover this in detail. So does the CEU class at
The CEU class is available at Udemy –