Is Solving the Problems of Relapse and Recidivism Nobel Worthy?#Wellness#MentalHealth#CTC#Treatment#BeliefEyeMovementTherapy

Abusing alcohol and other drugs, AOD does not lead to health and wellness. It can kill you. So, people get treatment then they “go out again.”

Why do people relapse and recidivate? Is it euphoric recall? Is it criminogenic thinking? Or is it because of slippery people, places, and things?

That’s what they tell us. You know – “they.”

Who are “they?” They, are the college instructors, treatment providers, and counselors and therapists who continue to teach this for twenty to thirty years.

Do you know what they do not teach? They do not teach anyone how to change these R&R, permission-granting, criminal thinking and conduct beliefs involving alcohol and other drugs.

One counselor who took my NAADAC approved CEU class told me that he was always taught that you cannot change a core belief. I don’t know who taught him that.

We attended the same university and took the same psych classes from the same professors.

Nobody taught that to me. My belief is that you must change anti-social beliefs and values about anything as soon as possible in treatment.

Why? Because, as Wanberg and Milkman say, “There will be no long-term behavior changes unless you change core beliefs first.” Judith Beck goes a little further saying, “When it comes to addiction you must address the permission-granting beliefs as soon as possible.”

I’ve heard counselors in staffing ask the clinical supervisor “how do you change a belief?” She told them “That’s Stan’s area. Work with him.”

If you don’t have a belief change strategy or protocol, you might be interested in my book, Stan Dokmanus, “Belief Eye Movement Therapy.” It’s for sale on

I designed Belief Eye Movement Therapy, BEMT, specifically for treatment for CTC and AOD. However, it’s useful for other things like trauma, depression, etc.

Spending $6.99 to get a CTC and AOD belief change strategy is a wise decision. It could give you a Nobel Prize winning idea.

If you do read it and decide you would like to learn more about how this applies to criminal justice and addictions counseling, you might take my NAADAC approved CEU class: