How Long Does It Take, To Change a Core Belief?

Previously I mentioned a colleague discovering the importance of beliefs, the ability to change beliefs, and how do you change a belief.

I mentioned another associate with over 30 years in the treatment field who told me, “I was always taught that you can’t change core beliefs.”

He went on to say, “You not only convinced me that you can and must change core beliefs. They must be changed as soon as possible.”

Here’s an example.

“Having a positive outlook on life, and what the future holds for you, is vital in achieving happiness in every aspect of your life. I would like to share with you an amazing transformation of a young woman with the help of Stan Dokmanus.

Stan helped her change her limiting beliefs, almost immediately, by using Belief Eye Movement Therapy. I was participating in a group discussion about beliefs, when this young woman, who had very low self-esteem, said that she had no future, and was going nowhere. This young woman even predicted her desolate future.

At that time Stan Dokmanus asked her if he could sit down with her for a few moments. He asked me to come along and observe.

Using the BEMT technique, Stan was able to change the way that she looked at herself. She was overwhelmed with hope, and was immediately filled with faith about what she could accomplish.

This immediate change, in how she perceived herself, brought her to tears. The new energy that she brought with her from that day forward was truly inspirational.

What made this sudden change in her totally amazing was that it took Stan about 10 to 15 minutes to bring this out in her.

I would strongly recommend Stan Dokmanus to anybody that would like to fulfill their potential. Totally Incredible.
SEMT Rph (Registered Pharmacist)”

Does this make sense to you? Maybe you would like a workshop.

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I’m available for individual and group training, live, or by zoom.

Do you want a belief change model to use with your clients?

Belief Eye Movement Therapy, BEMT, was designed with that specific treatment goal in mind: To elicit and remove limiting, permission-granting beliefs about criminal thinking and conduct, CTC, involving alcohol and other drug use, AOD, quickly and easily. $6.99 at

I’m interested in doing a joint project with you in your community. Otherwise, I’m available for individual or group training, live or zoom.Activate to view larger image,

Do You Want an SUD Belief Change Model for Drug Court?#BeliefChange#BehaviorChange#Recover#Thrive#BEMT

Many years ago, a colleague discovered the importance of beliefs and the ability to change beliefs. He asked, “how do you change a belief?”

He’s part of the reason for doing this BEMT KISS method piece. It’s so simple.

Another associate with over 30 years in the treatment field told me, “I was always taught that you can’t change core beliefs.”

Something happened when he took my NAADAC approved CEU class, “Criminal Justice and Addiction Counseling.”

Here’s what happened.

He told me, “You not only convinced me that you can and must change core beliefs. You showed me how and they can be changed, quickly and as soon as possible.”

He’s the only one ever to score 100% on the test. He is Armand Welch, Chestnut Systems, Illinois.

Judith S. Beck (Cognitive Behavior Theory) says to “Address permission-granting beliefs as soon as possible.”

To enable a client to discover this, to recover and to reach Transcendence, is a wonderful gift. It gives clients HOPE.

Yes! Transcendence. The 7th Stage of Change to some, is a point where using is no longer even a thought. You’ve gone beyond maintenance, relapse and recycling. You’ve Transcended.

Do you want to reduce recidivism and the cost of treatment and crime?

The Trail to Transcendence, (Chapter 11, “Drug Court Treatment: The Verdict”) describes “the massive, consistent action” needed to be able to stop using and thrive. To learn to be pro-social.

Do you want a belief change model for drug court?

Belief Eye Movement Therapy, BEMT, was designed with that specific treatment goal in mind: To elicit and remove limiting, permission-granting beliefs about criminal thinking and conduct, CTC, involving alcohol and other drug use, AOD. $6.99 at

Does this “how to” info make sense to you? If so, please share this post with your network. Or repost with a comment. Thank you.

I’m available for individual and group training, live or by zoom.