Four days ago, we left our Mother and her sidekick stranded as they were about to maybe discuss why the fire came to mind on her “timeline floatback”; described in the prior post, May 26.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs formed the basis of the timeline in a linear format. When Ma reached the Sense of Belonging there was a noticeable sensation. Is this the point where they could learn about Ma’s subjective experience?
What is the significance of that experience according to EMI (Eye Movement Integration, Circa 1960-1970) framers (Andreas and Grinder) and practitioners, or Francine Shapiro? (1948-2019, EMDR).
Whichever of these folks developed the eye movement therapy models first we owe them a debt of gratitude. Any of us is entitled to our subjectivity – our truths, our perceptions.
When one’s subjectivity begins to cause them relationship, family, job, living or legal problems that’s a different story. Then it is time to collaboratively and with the explorer’s consent take a closer look.
This is especially true for court mandated clients who may be having problems understanding and changing permission-granting AOD/CTC beliefs. Alcohol and Other Drug/Criminal Thinking and Conduct.
There can be no long-term AOD/CTC behavior changes unless core, permission-granting beliefs are changed first. (Beck, Wanberg and Milkman)[1] Drug court clients could access this information on their phones.
EMI, my specialty is great for extinguishing limiting, AOD/CTC permission granting, hurtful beliefs and replacing them with useful, empowering beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The truth shall set you free.
To Thine Own Self be True as AA, NA and Shakespeare tell us. This helps with alcohol problems too.
Taking a closer look involves revisiting the what, maybe a traumatizing event and looking at it from a distance, a different perspective that allows safe analysis. Working together the guide and explorer discover ways to desensitize, to reprocess and reframe the original perception to make it more empowering, even enjoyable today.
People can, according to Shapiro, do this on a DYI self-help basis. It is better to learn how first in a one on one session. After you know how, you could probably work on most limiting beliefs and whatever level of beliefs. These are discussed thoroughly in the CEU program in the catalog.
So, this could be helpful for Ma as she explores her timeline now, wondering about the significance of the fire, her Sense of Belonging or, maybe even Safety Needs?
This is fruitful work for CEUs available from me in 47 states, Japan and South Korea. NAADAC Approved Provider #192679. You get to keep the study guide as a print desk reference. Great for mobile apps too.
If you would like to discuss these helpful ideas you can call me at 808 385 4550. Learn more about other tools at
[1] Cognitive Behavior Theory, Judith S. Beck, Criminal Conduct & Substance Abuse Treatment Strategies for Self-Improvement and Change. Wanberg and Milkman. Both are excellent reads.