Criminal Justice Reform Starts at the Top: in D.C.

Stan DokmanusUpdates

If there’s a wrongyou fight it. If you don’t you become a part of it. That ain’t so hard to understand, is it?” The Virginian.

We’ve seen and heard for decades that the War of Drugs has failed. This is not true. First, it’s a misnomer. It should be the War on Criminal Thinking and Conduct (CTC) involving Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD).

The AOD/CTC Cycle can be broken. However, if you always do what you have always done and all that insanity, you will keep getting the same results; over-crowded, racially skewed prisons and populations.

People scream about over-population of prisons and racial injustice regarding arrests, convictions and incarcerations. They should. These are the facts.

President Biden announced that he has instructed DOJ not to renew prison for profit contracts. This could be a first step. At least for this administration.

But that is not the way to reduce the real problem: crime. It is not the way to reduce addiction either. See If A Then B explanation below.

Diversion courts – drugs courts have been working on these problems for years. There are many drug court models. There are many people too in the drug court kitchen working on this recipe.

You know what happens to recipes as they are passed on to friends and relatives. If you skip basic ingredients and cooking time you know what will happen. That’s awful! Yuck! What happened?

When the recipe is passed on a few too many times the basic ingredients get deleted or forgotten. Momma’s Pork and Peas in L.A. are way different than Momma’s Pork and Peas in Phoenix, Chicago, New York, or, D.C.

A recipe is, if you use this and do that you get this. It’s the same with addiction, crime, legal representation, drug court, incarceration, prison, re-entry, relapse and recidivism.

A great recipe or approach to addiction, crime, drug court, treatment and prison reform is: If A, then B. It’s that simple.

If A, Then B. No A, therefore, No B. It’s a great defense strategy for public defenders and defense attorneys.

The therefore No B defense strategy information is available by clicking the ‘classes’ button: Judge’s and Attorney’s Drug Court Desk Reference. Some supervisors make it mandatory reading for staff.

These same facts and strategies apply to you if you are looking for help with alcohol or other drug problems. Why not buy it now?

Augmented Reality, SUD and Drug Court Treatment – 34 CEU

34 NAADAC Approved CEU, $145.00. Provider# 192679. Employment Application for Agency Trainer-Coach.

Content/Purpose: Counselors, Drug Court Clinicians, Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and other professionals will understand and be able explain how to help clients see, hear and feel the Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT) solutions more clearly, using augmented reality skills and resources clients already have (VAK) to change beliefs, values, attitudes and behavior. Clinicians will understand how this can be used for self-care too. Click on classes.

Pros and Cons of Drug Court Treatment.

Self-defeating, out dated trial strategies can be costly in several ways. That leaves little in the way of pros. Because due process, time and money are involved, sticking to “Old You” strategies are costly. 

What would be the disadvantages of switching to updated best practices, that are really evidence based if it helped win more cases and appeals? Informed public defenders and defense attorneys will appreciate these new and useful ideas. 

Change is inevitable in every field. When you picture winning more cases, the real advantages to your clients and you, the choice will be easy. 

Stan is a Certified Criminal Justice and Addictions Professional with 14 years-experience working with drug court, mandated participants, attorneys, judges, drug court case managers, counselors and therapists. He knows the pros and shares the cons: why drug court clients fail during or after treatment. Employing him as an Expert Witness will benefit your clients and you. You can call him now at 808 385 4550, Maui, HST.

With Rapport, Communication and Transformational CBT Work© See Classes above.